
Transit-Oriented Communities and Climate 91̽»¨ogram Implementation Grants: 2024 Coordinated Call for 91̽»¨ojects

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is pleased to announce the release of $60 million in planning and capital funding to support local implementation of MTC’s Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy and Climate 91̽»¨ogram. 

The funds include multiple grant and technical assistance programs being administered simultaneously to help applicants coordinate their efforts across funding categories.

2024 Transit-Oriented Communities Planning and Implementation Grants

Planning funding opportunities are focused on TOC Policy implementation. Grants and technical assistance are available to help local jurisdictions develop plans and policies that comply with the four components of

  • New Residential and Commercial Office Development Densities – This component seeks to ensure that local planning policies and zoning regulations enable new development within TOC areas to be built at sufficiently high densities to support transit ridership and transit mode share.
  • Housing Policies – This component affirmatively furthers fair housing through protection, preservation, and production policies focused on affordable housing. 
  • Parking Management – This component aims to reduce automobile trips and prioritize the limited land area near transit for other shared transportation modes and active transportation.
  • Station Access and Circulation – This component improves multimodal access to and within TOC station areas by improving complete streets, closing access gaps, and planning for mobility hubs.

Visit the TOC Planning and Implementation Grants web page for information on program guidelines, eligibilities and how to apply. TOC applications are due Friday, November 22, 2024.

2024 Climate 91̽»¨ogram Implementation Grants

Capital funding opportunities are focused on Climate 91̽»¨ogram implementation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Grants and technical assistance are available for public agencies across four program categories:

  • Regional Mobility Hubs – This program seeks to create customer-friendly community spaces that provide clear information and easy last-mile connections to public transit, shared mobility and active transportation. 
  • Parking Management – This program advances sustainable parking and curb management approaches that increase affordable and safe access to destinations and balance parking and curb uses.
  • Charging Infrastructure – This program funds the installation of publicly accessible charging stations for electric vehicles (EVs) and/or electric mobility devices (bikes, scooters, assistive mobility devices, etc.)
  • Active Transportation 91̽»¨oject Design – This program facilitates the buildout of MTC’s Active Transportation Network by providing design technical assistance to local jurisdictions for active transportation projects located on the network.

Visit the Climate 91̽»¨ogram Implementation Grants web page for information on program guidelines, eligibilities and how to apply. Climate applications are due Friday, December 20, 2024.